Dentures – Washington, PA

Reclaim Your Bite with High-Quality Restorations

Dentist treating a patient by replacing missing teeth in Washington
Lady presents dentures to viewer?

Dental restorations have come a long way since George Washington wore false teeth made out of ivory. Today’s dentures are made from high-quality materials that allow them to look just like natural teeth while being so comfortable that many patients often forget that they are there. At Dean Dental, we offer dentures that are customized to fit each patient’s needs. Here’s a brief overview of how these amazing dental appliances work, but please feel free to contact our staff if you have any questions.

Why Choose Dean Dental PLLC for Dentures?

  • Compassionate and Experienced Dentists
  • Beautiful and Durable Dental Restorations
  • Financing Options Available

Who Is a Good Candidate for Dentures?

Man removes denture

Extensive tooth loss can lead to a host of negative consequences such as difficulty chewing and speaking, embarrassment about one’s smile, the remaining teeth shifting out of place, and a greater risk of dental injury. Thankfully, almost anyone with missing teeth can be a good candidate for dentures as long as they have healthy gums to support them. However, if you are not missing all of the teeth along one arch, another restorative treatment may be the better choice.

Types of Dentures

Lady thinks something over

During your consultation, one of our dentists will evaluate your oral health, discuss your goals with you, and recommend the type of denture that suits your needs best. We offer several types of dentures, including:

Partial Dentures

Illustration of partial dentures?

If you are missing a few or many teeth, a partial denture may be the best option for you. These restorations are designed to clip onto your remaining natural teeth with metal wires, and they can protect your gums from injury while helping you to preserve your remaining teeth by evenly distributing the pressure of chewing.

Full Dentures

Full dentures?

Full dentures are used to replace all of the teeth along an arch and are held in place through natural suction. These models are customized to comfortably fit over the patient’s gums, allowing them to chew and smile confidently.

Implant Dentures

Illustration of implant dentures

By anchoring your dentures with dental implants placed directly into your jawbone, we can ensure that they hold their position and exert maximum chewing force. Implant dentures can be a great option for those who aren’t satisfied with their traditional dentures.

The Benefits of Dentures

Lady smiles

Dentures can vastly improve a patient’s quality of life in a variety of ways, including:

  • Being customized to comfortably meet the patient’s needs
  • Seamlessly completing a compromised smile
  • Looking just like beautiful natural teeth
  • Improving nutrition through enhanced chewing ability
  • Filling out the face to prevent the lips and cheeks from sagging
  • A proven and cost-effective solution to tooth loss
  • Requiring an easy daily cleaning and maintenance routine